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Description of the Project

What does the International Ultra Trail “Vjosa Wild River” represent?

The International Ultra Trail “Vjosa Wild River” is a collaborative cultural and sports project organized by the sports association “Maraton Albania” in partnership with the municipalities of Gjirokastër district, which are located along the Vjosa River. These municipalities include the Çarshovë Administrative Unit, and the municipalities of Përmet, Këlcyrë, Memaliaj, and Tepelenë. The aim of this initiative is to host the International Ultra Trail “Vjosa Wild River” Marathon.

The marathon will follow the course of the Vjosa River and will feature several race categories, including a mini-marathon (11 km), half-marathon (26 km), and classic ultra-marathon distances of 44 km, 67 km, and 100 km.

This event is officially recognized by the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS), under Certificate No. ALB2023-003, dated 25.08.2023. It has been approved by World Athletics and will be held annually in September or October for a 5-year period, until 31.12.2028.

Project Objectives:

The International Ultra Trail, which includes the 11 km mini-marathon, 26 km half-marathon, and ultra-marathon distances of 44 km, 67 km, and 100 km, aims to establish itself as a significant European sporting event. Organized by “Maraton Albania,” this project promotes not only sports but also culture, tourism, and environmental conservation.

By hosting the “Vjosa Wild River” Trail Marathon, the project highlights the importance of the Vjosa River, a protected natural treasure and part of the Vjosa National Park, which stretches across 100 km. The marathon serves as a platform for drawing attention to the region’s cultural and environmental heritage, fostering sustainable tourism and other related activities that can develop in the wake of this event.

Additionally, the association has actively worked to spread awareness through media, encouraging individuals to adopt a healthier, more active lifestyle that promotes physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Project: International Ultra Trail: Marathon “Vjosa Wild River”

Through the organization and development of the International Ultra Trail: “Vjosa Wild River” Marathon, the cities of Përmet, Këlcyrë, Memaliaj, Tepelenë, and the surrounding villages will be promoted as tourist and sports attractions, highlighting their traditions, history, gastronomy, and natural beauty.

The Vjosa River, with its dynamic mountain landscapes, cultural and natural monuments, and world-renowned archaeological sites, provides each of these four cities with a unique character, making the region a remarkable tourist attraction. With its riverside restaurants and stunning natural environment, the area will entice visitors to explore its charm firsthand.

Additionally, the marathon will traverse villages and landscapes that preserve an untouched natural identity, offering a fascinating itinerary. The race will take participants from city centers to the banks of the Vjosa River, following paths meticulously prepared for runners and tourists alike. (GPX maps are available for download to accompany the material.)

Proposed Activities: Are They Practical and Aligned with the Project’s Goals?

The key activities planned by the “Albania Marathon” Association will encompass every aspect of organizing the event, ensuring it adheres to international standards. The association will work closely with the municipalities of the Gjirokastër district to facilitate the participation of runners in the ultra-trail marathon.

Key features of the event include:

  • Festive Reception: A welcoming event the day before the marathon in the city of Tepelenë with traditional folk music and “Pasta Party”, tranquil accommodation in camps and hotels, and stops for active vacations.
  • Logistic of the race: Comprehensive planning will ensure proper water supply, volunteers, chip timing systems, uniforms, sports equipment, and decorations. Additionally, the transportation of runners and luggage will be arranged throughout the marathon.
  • Promotion: A promotional strategy will be implemented to inspire the spirit of competition, turning marathon days into unforgettable physical, cultural, and touristic experiences for everyone involved.

This event is designed to be a special national and international occasion, focusing on transforming the marathon into an attractive and memorable activity for participants of all ages and backgrounds.

Impact of the Project:

The “Maraton Albania” Association envisions that this project will spark creativity, raise awareness, and encourage as many people as possible—regardless of age, gender, or physical ability—to engage in this large-scale sports tourism movement. By doing so, the project promotes physical health, mental well-being, and social unity through sports.

Additionally, it aims to increase tourism capacity and environmental awareness, offering attractive access to the Gjirokastër district and positioning the area as a destination for both sports and eco-tourism.

International Ultra Trail: The “Vjosa Wild River” Marathon

Through the organization and development of the International Ultra Trail: “Vjosa Wild River” Marathon, this event, of both national and international significance, aims to enhance tourism and environmental awareness in the beautiful cities of Gjirokastër district, including Përmet, Këlcyra, Memaliaj, and Tepelena. These cities will be transformed into functional hubs for tourism and sports, welcoming tourists, runners, athletes, and interest groups.

Scenic Route: Description of the Path Along the “Vjosa Wild River”

The marathon path follows the “Wild Vjosa” river, renowned for its rich cultural and historical significance. It aims to unite Albanian-speaking territories in the Balkans and establish intercontinental connections across Europe. The route is entirely terrestrial, featuring soft terrain with minor elevation changes. It has been carefully cleared of dense vegetation and other obstacles, making it a smooth, scenic journey.

Starting from the administrative unit of Çarshovë, the route follows the Vjosa River on the right-hand side, winding closer to and further away from the riverbed, depending on the natural terrain shaped by centuries of river erosion. Along this stretch, the path connects several picturesque villages, such as Zhepe, Dracovë, Kanikol, Pellumbár, Strembec, Ura Kaludhit, and Petra. As the route heads towards the city of Përmet, the landscape transitions from plains to rolling hills. Rest stations are available every 5–7 km, offering water, fruits, soft drinks, and snacks. Runners will also pass through flower-lined streets as they approach the center of Përmet.

Leaving Përmet, the route leads to meadows with vineyards and vegetable fields near the villages of Kutal, Kosinë, and Piskovë. Participants will also pass the stunning Qelova Church near Grabova Bridge, continuing along gentle hills that overlook the beautiful Vjosa River and surrounding landscapes.

Next, the trail reaches the Këlcyrës Gorge, where the cool air and crystal-clear springs offer refreshment. A lunch break at local restaurants within the gorge will provide participants with delicious regional dishes and fresh water. After the break, the route continues toward the mouth of Mezhgoran, with runners passing through lush greenery and cold water springs before arriving at the Peshtan Bridge and, finally, the historic Dragot Bridge.

The 67 km route from Çarshovë to Dragot Bridge is entirely pedestrian-friendly, designed exclusively for runners and walkers to enjoy the untouched beauty of the region. After crossing Dragot Bridge, the path shifts to the left-hand side of the river, leading runners through pine-covered hills toward Memaliaj. From the center of Memaliaj, the trail then runs in the opposite direction of the Vjosa River’s flow, guiding participants to the city of Tepelenë and its historic fortress, through a completely green path.

The path only connects with the highway through pedestrian footbridges, spaced approximately 6–8 km apart. Even during periods of low water flow, the Vjosa River is impassable to pedestrians due to its strong currents and cold springs. From the trail, runners will be able to see the distant highway on the other side of the river.

Cultural and Historical Experience

The marathon provides participants with the opportunity to explore and appreciate the rich cultural and historical values of the cities along the route. This event is not merely a sports challenge but also a journey through time, designed to unite tourism, sports, culture, and health into a single experience.

A list of historical and cultural landmarks to visit during the participants’ stay will be available on the marathon’s website. Additionally, informational sheets in each runner’s bag will detail the tourist sites of interest along the route, encouraging runners to immerse themselves in the local culture.

The event will evoke emotions during the warm days of September and October, providing both a mental and physical health experience that is deeply relevant in today’s fast-paced world.

The marathon schedule and routes have been meticulously planned by the association “Maraton Albania” and officially approved by the municipalities of Tepelenë, Memaliaj, Këlcyrë, Përmet, and the administrative unit of Çarshovë. The routes adhere to standard lengths and have been carefully measured by experts from “Maraton Albania,” ensuring the placement of rest stations in accordance with trail marathon requirements for athletics.

This sports event, as outlined in the project, will be organized and conducted in full compliance with the principles, conditions, and criteria established by Law No. 79/2017 “On Sports,” as amended.

Our Story

Vrapim ne Natyre ne Tirane (Maratone Federata)
Vrapim ne Natyre ne Tirane (Maratone Federata)
Vrapim ne Natyre ne Tirane (Maratone Federata)
Vrapim ne Natyre ne Tirane (Federata)
Maratona e Kodrave te Liqenit (Amb. Amerikane)
Maratona e Tiranes 
Maratona e Tiranes 
Maratona e Tiranes 
Maratona e Tiranes 
Maratona e Tiranes 
Maratona Milano ne Itali
Maratona e Tiranes 

The association “Marathon Albania” was established in 2017 with the initiative of an initiative group. The registration as a legal entity of the Association “MARATON ALBANIA” was performed based on Law no. 8788, dated 07.05.2001 ‘On non-profit organizations’, as well as Law no. 8789, dated 07.05.2001 ‘On the registration of non-profit organizations’ It is a sports association, non-governmental, non-profit, which enjoys freedom and autonomy of action in accordance with its Statute and Program. regardless of age, gender, degree of physical, mental, sporting and health development. The increase in the number of participants during these years is a good indicator that the marathon has become a beloved event for the citizens of Tirana, Albania and beyond.

The members of this association have participated in various marathons held inside and outside Albania. MARATON ALBANIA members have received different awards according to the categories of competitions where they have participated. MARATON ALBANIA aims to:

  • To develop professional technical consultancy to improve the individual training of members.
  • To organize, direct and develop sports activities, locally, nationally and internationally.
  • The association will promote the interests of its members in Albania and abroad.
  • Develop awareness and awareness campaigns.
  • To develop lobbying with different actors at local, regional and wider level.
  • To hold national, regional lectures, seminars and conferences.
  • To develop activities in practice in support of sports activities.
  • To develop activity advertising activities in accordance with the goals of the association.
  • To conduct various trainings and associations of interest groups and persons with disabilities.
  • Collaborations with other actors inside and outside Albania with common sports goals.
  • To develop promotional activities of various actors to identify the sporting values ​​of marathon running.
  • Productions, publications, documentaries, reports while preserving the copyright on audiovisual programs.
  • Various periodicals that are closely related in support of the sporting values ​​of running.
  • For the realization of its program, the association will seek help and cooperation not only within the country but also from individuals and other counterpart associations abroad.
Maratona Split Kroaci
Maratona Selanikut  ne Greqi
Maratona Beograd ne Serbi
Maratona Prishtines ne Kosove
Maratona Shkup Maqedonia Veriut
Maratona Rahovec Presheve
Maratona Beratit
Maratona Novi Sad ne Serbi
Maratona Ohrit – Maqedonia Veriut
Maratona Gjakove Bajram Curri
Maratona e Tiranes
Maratona Zagrebit ne Kroaci
Maratona Podgorices ne Malin e Zi
Maratona e Athines ne Greqi  Autontike
Maratona Pavaresise Ulqin Shkoder
Maratona Genova Itali
Maratona e Splitit ne Kroaci
Maratona e Zagreb ne Kroaci
Maratona Novi Sad ne Serbi
Maratona Jagodinski ne Serbi
Maratona NATO – RUN
Maratona Selanikut  ne Greqi
Maratona Poseidon Greqi
Maratona Prishtines ne Kosove
Maratona Prages ne Çeki
Maratona e Beratit
Maratona Genova – Itali
Maratona Germia 555 – Prishtine Kosove 
Maratona Zagori  te Greqise
Global – Limits, Berat – Buz Tepelene
Global – Limits, Buz Tepelene – Peshtan Tepelene
Global – Limits, Peshtan Tepelene – Sheper Tepelene
Global – Limits, Sheper Tepelene – Libohove Gjirokaster
Global – Limits, Libohove – Mursi Konispol Sarande
Global – Limits, Mursi Konispol – Butrint Sarande
Maratona Voskopojes
Maratona Bukuresht Kampionati Ballkanik
Maratona Bukuresht Kampionati Ballkanik
Maratona Bukuresht Kampionati Ballkanik (ekipore)
Maratona e Budapestit
Maratona e Tiranes
Maratona Selanikut  ne Greqi
Maratona Podgorices ne Malin e Zi
Maratona e Athines  Autontike
Maratona Pavaresise Shkoder Ulqin
Aktiviteti vrapojme per Durresin
Kampionati Ballkanik Master ne Beograd
Ultramaratona Arteria e Arbrit Faza I (Tirane – Bulqize)
Ultramaratona Arteria e Arbrit Faza I (Bulqize – Diber)
Ultramaratona Arteria e Arbrit Faza II (Diber – Gostivar)
Ultramaratona Arteria e Arbrit Faza II (Gostivar – Tetove)
Ultramaratona Arteria e Arbrit Faza II (Tetove – Shkup)
Global – Limits, Berat – Buz Tepelene
Global – Limits, Buz Tepelene – Peshtan Tepelene
Global – Limits, Peshtan Tepelene – Sheper Tepelene
Global – Limits, Sheper Tepelene – Libohove Gjirokaster
Global – Limits, Libohove – Mursi Konispol Sarande
Global – Limits, Mursi Konispol – Butrint Sarande
Maratona Pdgorices
Maratona Pavaresise Ulqin – Shkoder
Ultra Trail Maraton Vodna Matka
Maratona Stara Zagora, Bullgari
Ultra Trail “Fruska Gora” Serbia, Novi Sad
Maratona Prishtines Germia 555 Trail Maraton
Ultra Trail Maratona Zagori Tsepolova Greqi
Maratona Helsinborg Suedi
Maratona Voskopoje
Ultra Trail Maraton Oher Maqedonia e Veriut
Trialton Ocean Lova Montenegro Kotor Mali Zi (Half)
Maratona Shkup, Maqedonia e Veriut
Maratona sofie Bullgari
Maratona Podgorice Mali ZI
Maratona Athines  Autontike Greqi
Maratona Selanikut Greqi
Maratona “Vrapimi Nentorit” Kosove , Drenice
Kampionati Ballkanik Master ne Nuova Mesto Slloveni
Maratona Hejniken 0.0 Zagreb Kroaci
Maratona Selanikut Greqi
Maratona (6 ore Stadium) Selanik Greqi
Maraton Ekipore triatlon ne Kotor Mali Zi
Maratona ne Sotire te Dropullit
Maratona Zagori Janine Greqi
Maratona e Nates Selanik Zenith
Mega Maratona 7708 Km Kunder ngrohjes globale, Hani Hotit Shkoder – Kapshtice Korçe
Maratona Authentic Athine 
Maratona “Vrapimi Nentorit” Prekaz – Skenderaj 
Maratona Romes Itali
Trail maratona Istog Kosove
Trail maratona Ulqin Mali I Zi
Maratona e Beogradid  Serbia
Maratona e Selanikut Greqi
Half Marathona Janine Greqi
Trail Maratona Ohrid Maqedonia e Veriut
Trail Maratona Orishtina Kosove Germin
Trail Maratona Bitola Maqedonia e Veriut
Trail Maratona Zagori Greqi
Kampionati Ballkanik Master Izmir Turqi (01-03/09/2023)
Maratona Kosturit Greqi
Maratona Tiranes
Maratona Stambollit Turqi
Maratona Isbize Kosove
Maratona Beratit
Maratona Istog
Maratona Selanik Selanik
Maratona Kopenhagen Danimarke
Maraton Korfuz Greqi
Maraton Janina Greqi
Maraton Ohrid Maqedonia Veriut
Maratona Stokolm Suedi
Maratona Trail Prishtina 
Trail Maratona Zagori Greqi
Trail Maratona Gjakova Kosove